iCatalyze Podcast Playlist for Leadership and Personal Development

24 de January, 2020

Podcasts are one of my favorite ways to learn lately because I can tap into the wisdom of people from all over the world at the touch of a button. I love how I can listen to business experts, accomplished entrepreneurs and even former CIA agents and expand my horizons while I’m driving or doing the dishes.

Throughout the past few years, I’ve honed in on my favorite podcasts and have given countless recommendations to my coaching clients for specific episodes that might resonate for them. Because of this demand, I created my own Podcast Playlist which you can subscribe to and check out the episodes that I think are worthwhile… all in one place. This particular playlist is focused on leadership and professional development. 

Here’s how you can get the iCatalyze playlist, which I update periodically:

My playlist URL: https://www.listennotes.com/listen/icatalyze-leadership-playlist-EU1ObrLWkRC/rss/ 

Instructions for Apple Podcast app (iOS):

  1. Open Apple Podcast App and go to your “Library” (bottom of the screen)
  2. Click “Edit” on the top right corner
  3. Select “Add a Show by URL…”
  4. Copy and paste my URL above
  5. Done!!!

Once you complete this, my playlist will show up in your feed in “Listen Now” and as I add more episodes to my collection, it will update automatically on your app and you’ll be able to listen to them.

Unfortunately, Spotify and Google Podcasts for Android don’t have the option to add a podcast via RSS feed, but there are other apps you can use to listen to podcasts. The instructions for some Android options are located here.

If you want to see my list directly on your browser, you can view and listen on this webpage.


¿Te resulto informativo? Síguenos en @icatalyze para más contenido como este.

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