
What are my strengths?

Do You Want to Know Yourself Better? Check Your 6 VITAL Signs

You may be tired of hearing that all good things start with knowing yourself. On a previous post, I noted that confidence can only be achieved if you truly understand who you are. And I am not alone in declaring that self-awareness is the key to wisdom, happiness, courage, tolerance, vitality, and good decision making, […]

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The Power of Testimonials: Why and How You Should Ask Others to Tell Your Story

A decade or so ago, I thought I would not buy much online because I wanted to feel the smoothness of the fabrics with my own hands, or smell the aroma of the coffee-scented candles for myself.  Now, I buy everything online as long as I can read through a lot of reviews and scroll […]

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How to prioritize

You Are Not So Busy, Part 2: You Have Priorities

How many times have you said, “I am so busy” this week? How many of these times have you used it as an excuse to decline an invitation? Frankly, the “B-word” is so overly used in our status-driven, stressed-out society that it has lost all meaning.   Everyone is busy and everyone has the same […]

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You Are Not So Busy, Part 1: You Are Procrastinating

Last week, while reaching for a piece of paper to write a number down, I picked up a sealed envelope—it was an old water bill. I moved to another stack of papers only to realize it was just more mail. By then, I forgot the florist’s phone number that my sister had dictated to me […]

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4 Keys to Build Up Your Confidence

Confidence, we all want more of it. But what is it? The myth is that others tend to be naturally confident throughout their lives and the rest of us are predestined to watch in awe as we question our every move. With social media being so prevalent, this feeling seems to be exacerbated. The good […]

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iCatalyze’s first meetup: Women’s Networking in Miami

We’re excited to share the news that we will be holding our first in-person meetup in Miami on May 22nd from 6 to 9 pm at The Betsy Hotel. Join us for an empowering Happy Hour which will bring together professional women and entrepreneurs who want to expand their leadership skills to advance their career or business.  […]

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7 Tips to Increase your Self-Love

It seems that the phrase “self-love” is being talked about all the time, and everyone is a fierce proponent of it, but what does it really mean? It can mean different things for each person since we have different ways of showing love to ourselves. Yet, a more important question is why does self-love matter? […]

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How to Get Past Fear and Achieve your Goals

We’ve all been there at some point: looking up at what seems like a towering mountain looming over us, causing panic and fear. It occurs when we are advancing toward a new goal or project and we don’t know where to begin, feeling overwhelmed and paralyzed by fear. I see this time and time again […]

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What lies before us…

I truly believe that we all have something special to bring to the world, sometimes we just need a little help identifying it.

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Be kind to yourself

We’ve all heard before that “everyone is their own worse critic.” The more I talk to my friends and work with coaching clients, the more I believe it. We can sometimes go out of our way to be nice to others and not hurt other people’s feelings. Yet, have you noticed how we can just go […]

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Achieve More by Doing Less

Lately, I’ve been having difficulty with blogging as often as I would like. I imagine you might be able to identify with that feeling of having so many things on your plate, and feeling there’s still yet more to do. In the midst of this feeling of guilt and stress, I stumbled onto a great […]

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