
Mandela Day: You can Take Action

Today is Nelson Mandela International Day commemorating the birthday (July 18) of the African leader, and promoting a call to action: “Mr. Mandela gave 67 years of his life fighting for the rights of humanity. All we are asking is that everyone gives 67 minutes of their time, whether it’s supporting your chosen charity or serving […]

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“Live Without Pretending…”


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Everyone is Worthy of a Biography

In college, I took a course on 18th century English literature that focused on works by Samuel Johnson, and I was profoundly struck by an essay he wrote about biographies, which I keep in mind to this day. Johnson writes: “I have often thought that there has rarely passed a life of which a judicious […]

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“Too Many People Undervalue what they Are”

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“Live in the Moment”

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Looking on the bright side

Be positive

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Now you can Instagram for a Cause

We’ve all done it ourselves or have been sitting at a table where someone snaps a shot of the meal they are about to eat in order to share with everyone on their social networks. What if every time we did this, we would help GIVE a meal to someone in need? Now you can […]

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Impact a Classroom from your Desk

From the comfort of your own office chair you can help a teacher accomplish anything from buying books to chemistry supplies for their students. We all know the issues with educational budgets nationwide, so this is a way to plant your seed and make a positive impact in a classroom and supporting the greater cause of education.

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Catch Yourself Complaining

Try to catch yourself when you are about to complain about a headache, the rain, your boss, your family… and STOP.

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