2015 Resolutions: Keeping it simple

5 de January, 2015


Hi Catalyzers! It’s a New Year and I look forward to bringing you more exciting iCatalyze content and inspiration in 2015! This time of year provides a great opportunity to take a moment for ourselves and contemplate. As you set goals for the new year, it helps to think about what you are passionate about and your talents, and make short-term, attainable goals in order to get you further along your path.

Overall, I’m hoping to be more mindful and “present” in the moment, in other words, not letting life pass me by. To be more specific, I’ll share my Top 3 goals for 2015:

  • Volunteer with youth in the DC area – After much research, I have narrowed this down to two amazing organizations, and I think of this as a way to share my talents while helping and brightening someone else’s day.
  • Watch less TV and read more – Self-explanatory
  • Write at least one hand-written note to a friend or relative once a month – I always tell myself I will do this, and I decided this year I will simply DO IT. With all the people I want to surprise with a note, I think I might increase the number per month… I will keep you posted.

My 2015 goals are not strictly professional. I’m focused on my own wellness and giving back to others this year. I know that as a byproduct I will meet amazing people along the way and, in turn, this will impact others. I will also work hard to develop new and exciting leadership programs and spread the inspiration through this blog.

I look forward to sharing updates with you and would love to hear about your own goals for 2015, please share below!

¿Te resulto informativo? Síguenos en @icatalyze para más contenido como este.

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